Saturday, March 14, 2009

wait a minute...

did i really start a project finish it within a week?


within two days?


i just can't even believe it. i feel like i overcame some kind of demon on this one.

i have been oddly obsessed with my sewing machine lately and decided it was about time i saw a project through from start to finish. i have also decided that i want to create a cute little spring/summer wardrobe for myself this year. tada - look at this lovely little top that i made! i can't wait to wear it with my favorite jean cut offs and my green jelly shoes.

i have also been diligently working on my mini quilt for the doll quilt swap. i am at a bit of a stand still - i can't decide if i like the moss and teal fabrics with the more delicate blue print. they feel heavy - but i kind of like the color play. decisions, decisions...

one last tidbit - i photographed seven bags today to put into my new (& empty) etsy shop. they will be appearing tomorrow - sometime after my tax appointment.


Beth said...

Yeah for getting projects done! I think your DQS looks so pretty!

Ritapizza said...

Your top is so awesome! I'm inspired to try sewing my own clothes too! I'm too scared they won't fit! (I should suck it up and take a sewing class one day) Good luck with your Etsy shop! I can't seem to find time to start one myself. Love your DQS quilt! it's gonna be fabulous!

sondra lee said...

thank you both!

rita - this is the first piece of clothing that i have really ever seen through the whole way and i was biting my fingernails the whole way... but... it felt so good when i was done (even thought it is a teeny bit too big). as for them not fitting - i did take the time to make a simple muslin mock up first which was super helpful and telling about the fit.

Helen said...

Sondra! Loving your houses! Soooo cute! Your top looks great, I'm not game enough to sew clothes for me.... :)

mousse said...

Yay! I love that top! By the way... that was the first time that I ever saw someone type, "jean cut offs" since R.L. Stine! Ha!